Whether you need to calm down stress, your flight or flight responses, get empowered to find peace or hire help to advocate the complex medical system, we can help you get there.
Learn to Stress Less Free Webinar
Learn how in just one hour how to reclaim your life. Right now people are needing tools that will settle their minds, their nervous systems, heal their emotions, and restore a sense of creativity and hope. When people finally get to have an experience where they feel centered and creative, they feel empowered, and they want to know how they can continue their growth.
Go to YouTube to watch the free video
Empower Your Inner Warrior
A five hour online course to empower working women to achieve peace. Many working women and mothers are ‘struggling with the juggling’ of everyday stress, demands, to do lists and overbooked calendars. Are you able to keep all of the moving balls in play? While it may just seem like part of our hypomanic culture, chronic stress can be a recipe for some serious health risks. Are you aware that 60% of women in America are on antidepressants? Startling numbers that we need to learn to choose purpose and re-prioritize our lives now.
The Women EnPOWER Program is just $399 one time for lifetime access to 15 modules focused on calming the chaos, learning how to activate your parasympathetic nervous system using breathwork, mindfulness tools plus values and strengths identification to map out your compass to your purpose.
Learn more or register at
Reset Yourself Thru Mindfulness
Focused one-time custom workshops done online or in person with hot topics including the basics of mindfulness techniques and knowledge to deepen a meditation practice including elements of MBSR. Sessions held by certified teachers and can be done for groups or individuals. Topics include demystifying mindfulness, identifying purpose and values-based living, stress management, and simplified meditation techniques.
Contact us to learn more or to schedule, pricing varies. Review our basic mindfulness principals on our YouTube channel here.
Power Up The Patient
Our 1:1 dedicated patient health advocacy customizes guidance you need to navigate the complex medical system. Learn more about how we work and the solutions we offer here.
Contact us to schedule a free 15 minute initial assessment call to determine how we might be able to help you in your search for answers. We can build you a personalized health restoration action plan, help you learn to self-advocate, or take care of the red tape that is too exhausting to deal with during a health crisis (for you or a loved one you care for).

Let's Work on your
A critical component of getting healthy is prioritizing self-care. Learn how with our self-care guidebook available for free to subscribers here.