Serving fellow patients in wellness strategies on their chronic illness journey.
It can be an uphill battle but you can get on the path to shine again.
advising & advocating for those with CHRONIC ILLNEss
When you're challenged by a short health scare or a long-term illness it can derail your life. We know. We've been there. We too have climbed the mountains of physical, emotional, and financial burdens that come with it. If you are dealing with a chronic disease you desperately need support. You need a guide, a manual, or a sherpa.
Are you tired of being told that you can’t get better, that you're broken, and fear you will never be the same?
We can help you to discover your inner strength and learn how to live your best life possible. We can help you reset, redirect, and reclaim your life and hopefully your health again through 1:1 guidance and personalized patient advocacy. We help you research potential solutions, find the right doctors and help families plan for opportunities. It is overwhelming to navigate the medical system, and our team of advocates can help.

FREE: Learn tips in less than an hour to reclaim your life from stress and overwhelm.
A five hour course to
empower working women to
achieve peace and prevent burnout.
Certified-teacher led workshops on hot topics including mindfulness, meditation, chronic pain relief and MBSR.
Our 1:1 dedicated patient health advocacy customizes guidance you need to navigate the complex medical system.
Book a free initial consultation.
ADVOCATE that Makes a Difference
Journey2Joy offers life skills and self advocacy development services and can help you rediscover your well-being. We offer one-to-one sessions, workshops, resources and more all aimed at helping you get clarity about what's holding you back from living a happy, healthy and fulfilling life starting with wellness first.
The programs are designed to inspire you to live with more joy and improve your health. We guide clients by asking the right questions to explore what you really want and to create the life that fulfills all your needs and accelerates your wellbeing.
With training and exponential resources in the independent patient health advocacy profession, we can help you build a bridge to a better life. We help you work well, be well, live well and climb to a better place.